V-Sabotage Objective Tiles Pack

Now you see your targets with 42 gorgeous two-sided tiles.
If you prefer to play with tokens instead of miniatures, but want all the objective tiles included in V-Sabotage Miniature Pack and V-Sabotage Expansions Miniature Pack.
Base game is required in order to play with this expansion.
- 42 Two-sided tiles
Delivery time:
Europe (shipped from France): 2 to 8 working days.
USA (shipped from the US): 2 to 8 working days.
UK (shipped from the UK): 2 to 30 working days (warehouse activity is currently slow).
Oceania and Asia (shipped from China): 1-3 months.
Canada (shipped from Montreal): 2 to 14 working days. Montreal pick up now available (please write at support[at]triton-noir.com).
Livraison reçue à l'heure sans faute comme toujours, colis très bien protégé.
Les tuiles sont de bonnes qualité, certaines mêmes très belles mais je regrette qu'il manque l'indication des terrains correspondants. Peut-être cela aurait été utile de mentionner cela sur une mini-notice. Cela fait donc qu'il est extrèmement difficile de savoir à quel objectif correspond telle tuile ...
De plus je crois que ces tuiles ne couvrent pas la totalité des objectifs v-sabotage (standard et extensions).
My friends and I love V-Sab and one of my friends had brought up how the tiles aren't that thematic to the scenarios, not that it effects the game at all, but I saw these tiles on Triton Noir and purchased them along witht the cloth bags. The tiles are nice and on our next session the map looked a lot more thematic. They got a kick out of me placing the trap door exit on a toilet in one map and coming out of another toilet in the connected map. Lol.
Will post some report using these new tiles very soon on Facebook