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V-Sabotage Miniature Pack for the Core Box - English + French
Delivery time: Europe (shipped from France):2 to 8 working days. USA (shipped from the US): 2 to 8 working days. UK (shipped from the UK): 2 to 30 working days (warehouse activity is currently slow). Oceania and Asia (shipped from China): 1-3 months. Canada (shipped from Montreal): 2 to 14 working days. Montreal pick up now available (please write at support[at]
V-Sabotage Miniature Pack for the Core Box - English + French
V-Sabotage Miniature Pack for the Core Box - English + French
Gwénaëlle Chauvin
Figurines au top
Figurines au top !
Gregory Lings
Great Value, adds to the game
Very good quality miniatures, but you also get upgraded map tiles, character cards and other tokens, so overall not bad value for money. The miniatures really add to the overall gameplay.